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BS in Software Engineering


Software Engineering is the field of study which involves the development of stable, efficient and robust software systems according to the modern engineering principles. Our Bachelor program in Software Engineering covers various aspects of software engineering which include:

  • Customer requirement identification, specification and analysis

  • Software project management

  • Software design based on the outcome of requirement analysis

  • Software product development based on the detailed design

  • Software quality engineering

  • Software maintenance

Most of real-world software systems are either safety-critical or real-time in nature. For the development of such systems, it is important to apply engineering principles which are practiced by the engineers in the field. Our program also equips the students with requisite concepts in the supporting areas of mathematics, computer sciences and social sciences.
The increasing transition from manual to computerized system in Pakistan provides an opportunity to the Software Engineering graduates to apply the knowledge they acquire during their studies to solve practical problems of the industry. Over the last decade, the market demand to hire Software Engineers has radically intensified. In addition, the doors of higher education institutions are always open for Software engineers with practical knowledge to impart their insight of the field to younger generations.

Programme Mission

The four-year Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering program is dedicated to providing a comprehensive education, emphasizing technical proficiency, critical thinking, and a sense of public duty. We prepare graduates for success through innovative curricula and inclusive environments, incorporating applied and recent software engineering practices. By focusing on cutting-edge methodologies and technologies, we promote excellence in teaching, research, and service across various software engineering specializations, ensuring our graduates are well-equipped to contribute to and thrive in the dynamic field of software engineering.

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Graduate Attributes (GAs)

After completion of BS (Software Engineering), students will be able to:


  1. Academic Education: Completion of an accredited program of study designed to prepare graduates as computing professionals.

  2. Knowledge for Solving Computing Problems: Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, knowledge of a computing specialization, and mathematics, science, and domain knowledge appropriate for the computing specialization to the abstraction and conceptualization of computing models from defined problems and requirements

  3. Problem Analysis: Identify and solve complex computing problems reaching substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, computing sciences, and relevant domain disciplines.

  4. Design/Development of Solutions: Design and evaluate solutions for complex computing problems, and design and evaluate systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs.

  5. Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, or adapt and then apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations

  6. Individual and Teamwork: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader of a team in multidisciplinary settings

  7. Communication: Communicate effectively with the computing community about complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions.

  8. Computing Professionalism and Society: Understand and assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues within local and global contexts, and the consequential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice

  9. Ethics: Understand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practice.

  10. Life-long Learning: Recognize the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning for continual development as a computing professional.

Programme Objectives (POs)

  • PO-1: Establishing in-depth understanding of theoretical concepts and industry best practices related to Software Engineering.

  • PO-2: Applying in-depth Software Engineering knowledge and analytical skills to design innovative solutions for the society.

  • PO-3: Imbuing quest for learning and engaging in continuous professional development in the field of software engineering by carrying research and adopting professional practices.

  • PO-4: Developing the ability to work in a multi-disciplinary and multicultural environment in teams incorporating soft skills and maintaining high ethical standards

Entry Criteria 

50% marks in HSSC / Equivalent.

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